French Bulldog Standing illustrated by Jennifer Farley Drawing The Dog

Dog Breed Groups Unleashed: A Handy Guide for Dog Lovers

Are you a dog lover curious about different breeds and their unique characteristics? As a dog owner or enthusiast, understanding the various dog breed groups and their traits can be both fascinating and fun when looking for your perfect furry companion.

With so many different breeds to choose from, it can be confusing to navigate the world of dog breeds and their groups. But don’t worry! Here’s a quick guide to how the biggest kennel clubs in the world categorize dogs into groups.

Drawing The Dog

Here at Drawing The Dog, we write and illustrate short, fun dog breed guides. These are designed to provide you with a great overview of dog breeds, their groups, and everything in between. (And of course, we create cool apparel and prints for dog lovers too!).

From popular breeds like the loyal Labrador Retriever to the energetic Border Collie, each dog breed has its own distinct personality, physical traits, and exercise needs. The world of dog breeds is one of wide variety. Dog breeds originate from different parts of the world and have served various purposes throughout history. Understanding the characteristics and needs of different breeds can help you make informed decisions when it comes to selecting a dog that best suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Kennel Clubs & Dog Breed Groups

kennel club is an organization that promotes the welfare and breeding of dogs. There are over 350 recognized dog breeds worldwide. Not every kennel club recognises every breed though. And not every kennel club uses the same group names to categorize dogs. Understanding these groups help potential pet owners understand their furry friend’s lineage, from providing companionship to guarding, herding or hunting.

Classifying dog breeds into groups is not just a way to tidy up a list, it is a practical approach to understanding our canine companions’ diverse roles and characteristics. The American Kennel Club, the UK Kennel Club, and the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) are the biggest and most influential Kennel Clubs. Each have developed their own groupings based on a combination of factors including historical purpose, physical characteristics, and behavior traits.

The American Kennel Club Groups

The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognises just over two hundred dog breeds. Pet owners can find out more about their pooch’s personality traits and the breed standard by visiting the site.
If you really want to get into the nitty-gritty details of a particular breed or group, check out our guides. Pet parents can familiarize themselves with their chosen breed’s basics. Whether it’s the beautiful coat of the Charles Spaniel, the bouncy zeal of a Herding breed, or the rugged charm of the Staffordshire Terrier, each breed standard dictates their care, grooming, and exercise needs.

AKC Breed Groups

The American Kennel Club (AKC) organizes dogs into seven principal breed groups. Each group reflects the roles for which these breeds were originally developed. The groups are:

  1. Sporting: These dogs are high-energy and enthusiastic, especially in hunting and outdoor activities.
  2. Hound: This group boasts a strong instinct and unmatched tracking abilities, with a specialized focus on scent or sight.
  3. Working: Working dogs are intelligent and have excellent capabilities in jobs like guarding, rescuing, and pulling.
  4. Terrier: Terriers are spirited hunters of vermin and small game.
  5. Toy: The Toy group is a collection of diminutive breeds that excel in providing affectionate companionship.
  6. Non-Sporting: A diverse array of breeds that do not fit neatly into the other groups, with wide-ranging personalities and appearances.
  7. Herding: These are the stalwart gatherers and guardians of livestock, showcasing intense intelligence and trainability.

UK Kennel Club Groups

The UK Kennel Club recognises 222 pedigree dog breeds. It also has a breed classification system for dogs, but it has some differences compared to the AKC. It identifies seven groups, defined as follows:

  1. Gundog: Similar to the Sporting group of AKC, these dog breeds are skilled hunters and retrievers.
  2. Hound: As with the AKC, these dogs are adept at hunting primarily through scent and sight.
  3. Working: Valued for their roles as guard dogs, police dogs, and service animals, among various duties.
  4. Terrier: This group are spirited and fearless dogs. They were historically bred to hunt underground.
  5. Toy: Small in size but big in personality. These dogs serve as companions and are similar to the AKC’s Toy group.
  6. Utility: Comparable to the Non-Sporting group of the AKC. This is a catch-all category for breeds that don’t fit into other groups.
  7. Pastoral: Aligning closely with the Herding group of the AKC, the Pastoral breeds are associated with herding and guarding livestock.

Each group embodies distinct characteristics and historical backgrounds that define how these dogs interact with humans and the roles they can serve.

Fédération Cynologique Internationale Groups

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), recognises 356 dog breeds. The FCI classifies dog breeds into ten unique and diverse groups.

  1. Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs): Includes breeds that are used for herding and often possess strong working instincts and intelligence.
  2. Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molossoid Breeds – Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and Other Breeds: A mix of guardian breeds, sturdy working dogs, and Swiss cattle dogs.
  3. Terriers: Similar to the AKC and UK Kennel Club, featuring energetic breeds that are often skilled in vermin control.
  4. Dachshunds: The FCI has a group dedicated to the various types of Dachshunds due to their distinctive characteristics.
  5. Spitz and Primitive Types: Breeds with historical roots in ancient or ‘primitive’ dog types.
  6. Scenthounds and Related Breeds: These are specialized hounds that hunt primarily with their sense of smell.
  7. Pointing Dogs: Bird hunting dogs are trained to point out game locations.
  8. Retrievers – Flushing Dogs – Water Dogs: These dogs are skilled in finding and retrieving game, both on land and in water.
  9. Companion and Toy Dogs: Encompassing small breeds adept at providing companionship.
  10. Sighthounds: Elegant and fast, these hounds are adept at hunting by sight and chasing down prey.

The FCI’s grouping provides a more detailed categorization. It offers a deeper understanding of each breed’s roles, traits, and capabilities within the international canine community.

A Growing List Of Dog Breeds

Below you can find the list of over 200 dog breeds and their group, as recognised by the AKC.

Dog BreedGroup
Afghan HoundHound
Airedale TerrierTerrier
Alaskan Klee KaiNon-Sporting
Alaskan MalamuteWorking
American BulldogNon-Sporting
American English CoonhoundHound
American Eskimo DogNon-Sporting
American FoxhoundHound
American Hairless TerrierTerrier
American LeopardoundHound
American Staffordshire TerrierTerrier
American Water SpanielSporting
Anatolian Shepherd DogWorking
Appenzeller SennenhundeWorking
Australian Cattle DogHerding
Australian ShepherdHerding
Australian TerrierTerrier
Basset HoundHound
Bearded CollieHerding
Bedlington TerrierTerrier
Belgian LaekenoisHerding
Belgian MalinoisHerding
Belgian SheepdogHerding
Belgian TervurenHerding
Bergamasco SheepdogHerding
Berger PicardHerding
Bernese Mountain DogWorking
Bichon FriseNon-Sporting
Biewer TerrierToy
Black and Tan CoonhoundHound
Black Russian TerrierWorking
Bluetick CoonhoundHound
Border CollieHerding
Border TerrierTerrier
Boston TerrierNon-Sporting
Bouvier des FlandresHerding
Boykin SpanielSporting
Bracco ItalianoSporting
Brussels GriffonToy
Bull TerrierTerrier
Cairn TerrierTerrier
Canaan DogHerding
Cane CorsoWorking
Cardigan Welsh CorgiHerding
Cavalier King Charles SpanielToy
Cesky TerrierTerrier
Chesapeake Bay RetrieverSporting
Chinese CrestedToy
Chinese Shar-PeiNon-Sporting
Chow ChowNon-Sporting
Cirneco dell’EtnaHound
Clumber SpanielSporting
Cocker SpanielSporting
Coton de TulearNon-Sporting
Croatian SheepdogHerding
Curly-Coated RetrieverSporting
Czechoslovakian VlcakWorking
Dandie Dinmont TerrierTerrier
Danish-Swedish FarmdogFoundation Stock Service
Deutscher WachtelhundSporting
Dachshund (Longhaired)Hound
Dachshund (Smooth)Hound
Dachshund (Wirehaired)Hound
Dachshund (Miniature Longhaired)Hound
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth)Hound
Dachshund (Miniature Wirehaired)Hound
Dandie Dinmont TerrierTerrier
Danish-Swedish FarmdogFoundation Stock Service
Deutscher WachtelhundSporting
Dachshund (Longhaired)Hound
Dachshund (Smooth)Hound
Dachshund (Wirehaired)Hound
Dachshund (Miniature Longhaired)Hound
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth)Hound
Dachshund (Miniature Wirehaired)Hound
Doberman PinscherWorking
Dogo ArgentinoWorking
Dogue de BordeauxWorking
Drentsche PatrijshondFoundation Stock Service
Dutch ShepherdHerding
English Cocker SpanielSporting
English FoxhoundHound
English SetterSporting
English Springer SpanielSporting
English Toy SpanielToy
Entlebucher Mountain DogHerding
Estonian HoundFoundation Stock Service
Field SpanielSporting
Finnish LapphundHerding
Finnish SpitzNon-Sporting
Flat-Coated RetrieverSporting
French BulldogNon-Sporting
French SpanielFoundation Stock Service
German Longhaired PointerSporting
German PinscherWorking
German Shepherd DogHerding
German Shorthaired PointerSporting
German Wirehaired PointerSporting
Giant SchnauzerWorking
Glen of Imaal TerrierTerrier
Golden RetrieverSporting
Gordon SetterSporting
Grand Basset Griffon VendeenHound
Great DaneWorking
Great PyreneesWorking
Greater Swiss Mountain DogWorking
Ibizan HoundHound
Icelandic SheepdogHerding
Irish Red and White SetterSporting
Irish SetterSporting
Irish TerrierTerrier
Irish Water SpanielSporting
Irish WolfhoundHound
Italian GreyhoundToy
Japanese ChinToy
Japanese SpitzNon-Sporting
Japanese TerrierFoundation Stock Service
Kai KenWorking
Karelian Bear DogNon-Sporting
Kerry Blue TerrierTerrier
Kishu KenWorking
KromfohrlanderFoundation Stock Service
Labrador RetrieverSporting
Lagotto RomagnoloSporting
Lakeland TerrierTerrier
Lancashire HeelerHerding
Manchester TerrierTerrier
Maremma SheepdogWorking
Miniature American ShepherdHerding
Miniature Bull TerrierTerrier
Miniature PinscherToy
Miniature SchnauzerTerrier
Neapolitan MastiffWorking
Nederlandse KooikerhondjeSporting
Norfolk TerrierTerrier
Norwegian BuhundHerding
Norwegian ElkhoundHound
Norwegian LundehundNon-Sporting
Norwich TerrierTerrier
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling RetrieverSporting
Old English SheepdogHerding
Parson Russell TerrierTerrier
Pembroke Welsh CorgiHerding
Perro de Presa CanarioWorking
Peruvian Inca OrchidNon-Sporting
Petit Basset Griffon VendeenHound
Pharaoh HoundHound
Polish Lowland SheepdogHerding
Portuguese PodengoHound
Portuguese PointerSporting
Portuguese SheepdogHerding
Portuguese Water DogWorking
Pyrenean MastiffWorking
Pyrenean ShepherdHerding
Rafeiro do AlentejoFoundation Stock Service
Rat TerrierTerrier
Redbone CoonhoundHound
Rhodesian RidgebackHound
Russell TerrierTerrier
Russian ToyToy
Russian Tsvetnaya BolonkaNon-Sporting
Saint BernardWorking
SchapendoesFoundation Stock Service
Scottish DeerhoundHound
Scottish TerrierTerrier
Sealyham TerrierTerrier
Shetland SheepdogHerding
Shiba InuNon-Sporting
Shih TzuToy
Siberian HuskyWorking
Silky TerrierToy
Skye TerrierTerrier
Slovakian Wirehaired PointerSporting
Slovensky CuvacFoundation Stock Service
Slovensky KopovFoundation Stock Service
Small Munsterlander PointerSporting
Smooth Fox TerrierTerrier
Soft Coated Wheaten TerrierTerrier
Spanish MastiffWorking
Spanish Water DogHerding
Spinone ItalianoSporting
StabyhounFoundation Stock Service
Staffordshire Bull TerrierTerrier
Standard SchnauzerWorking
Sussex SpanielSporting
Swedish LapphundFoundation Stock Service
Swedish VallhundHerding
Thai RidgebackFoundation Stock Service
Tibetan MastiffWorking
Tibetan SpanielNon-Sporting
Tibetan TerrierNon-Sporting
TornjakFoundation Stock Service
TosaFoundation Stock Service
Toy Fox TerrierToy
Transylvanian HoundFoundation Stock Service
Treeing Tennessee BrindleFoundation Stock Service
Treeing Walker CoonhoundHound
Welsh Springer SpanielSporting
Welsh TerrierTerrier
West Highland White TerrierTerrier
Wire Fox TerrierTerrier
Wirehaired Pointing GriffonSporting
Wirehaired VizslaSporting
Working KelpieFoundation Stock Service
Yakutian LaikaFoundation Stock Service
Yorkshire TerrierToy