Golden Retriever Fun Facts

Golden Retriever Drawing The Dog Jennifer Farley 800

Friendly, devoted and playful – here comes the gorgeous golden retriever!

History of the Golden dog

Goldens have been around since the mid-1800s. They originated in the Scottish Highlands and were bred as gundogs. They are one of 18 breeds of dog which originated in Scotland.

They were developed by Dudley Marjoribanks.  He crossed flat-coated retrievers with Tweed water spaniels and other British dogs. A very detailed account of his breeding program exists and his plan was to create the ultimate retriever breed for his Scottish estate.

The Golden Retriever Club was formed in 1911 in Britain. It was at this point they were seen as a separate breed of dog from the original flat-coated retriever. They became officially known as “Golden Retrievers” in 1920. Golden Retrievers have appeared consistently in the American Kennel Club Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds.


The Golden Retriever is a medium-sized, strong, athletic dog with a height of 56 to 61 cm in males and 51 to 56 centimetres in females. 

Their lovely golden coat is of course the most recognisable feature. The undercoat is dense and waterproof, while its outer coat is long and can be flat or wavy. 

Golden Retriever Temperament

Golden retrievers are among the most popular dog breeds because they’re so friendly and easygoing. They’re both wonderful family pets and capable, intelligent working dogs at the same time. They’re renowned for their tolerance and for their love of retrieving anything that is thrown for them. 

They are skilled service dogs and have tons of energy. Goldens were bred to work with people and are keen to please their humans. Having said that, you may not want a golden retriever as a guard dog. They’re more like to wag their tails and smile than act as security.

This breed is highly valued for its affectionate nature. Loyal and trustworthy, this dog is also easy to train. Its eagerness to learn new things and its ability to quickly pick up new commands make the Golden Retriever an enjoyable pet to train.

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Jennifer Farley

Jennifer Farley

Jennifer Farley is an author, award-winning illustrator, and designer from Ireland. Jen and her husband have two rescue dogs - Betty, a Miniature Schnauzer and Albert, a mix of lots of furry bits and pieces.

Jennifer illustrates and designs all of the prints and apparel available from Drawing The Dog.

She absolutely LOVES dogs.

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